That one time i went to visakhapatnam

A short and intense trip to attend a conference, that was how I got to experience India in one city that I certainly hope to be back very soon.

Is located by the sea and you can sense that the ambient is quite different to any Caribbean city.
I was there during December and the sky was always bright blue, the scents, as literature tells us, are full of spicies – Of course! is India. For a Venezuelan girl who had just travelled the world to get there, the city was a nice and refreshing contrast from cold New York.

Three days I was locked inside a the modern Novotel to attend the impresive first TECH 2017 UNESCO Conference. Thousands, from diverse countries were there, sharing experiences. But I can’t deny that scaping to get some site seeing was always nice.

After the conference was over, I had an extra half day so I visited a few things around. One of them was park VMRDA Kailasagiri, an impresive structure of two statues stands in there painting that light blue canvas. A Shiva-Parvati composition stands high in a stone staircase, guiding you to the top of the hill. From there you can witness the entire city and get a real view of its size and variety.

There is also a garden and impresive statues inside it, all in the same subject as the two main characters: love.

I could not help to take with me a small token of my land and let it be bright with those colors that have already bewhitched me.